Hmmm, nowadays it is not only the ladies who have choices to decide what to wear for
Raya whether it is a Kebaya, a Kurung or a caftan. THe guys are also coming out with
their own fashion which can be attractive or an eyesore. So do not be too startled when
you come across these fashionable Raya 'Baju Melayu'.
First up is the 'Arianna Rose's' leading actor Keith Foo's Jubah Qirana.
Raya whether it is a Kebaya, a Kurung or a caftan. THe guys are also coming out with
their own fashion which can be attractive or an eyesore. So do not be too startled when
you come across these fashionable Raya 'Baju Melayu'.
First up is the 'Arianna Rose's' leading actor Keith Foo's Jubah Qirana.

I guess it does look pleasant to the eyes, early Raya morning when you are headed to
the mosque, or if you are simply good looking like Keith Foo himself.
the mosque, or if you are simply good looking like Keith Foo himself.
Sleeveless Baju Melayu

If you have a macho body build with nice muscles, you can try this new sleeveless
Baju Melayu like Hang Jebat from ancient Melaka. But be sure you have biceps that
you can show off first before attempting this.
Baju Melayu Hipster

Baju Melayu like Hang Jebat from ancient Melaka. But be sure you have biceps that
you can show off first before attempting this.
Baju Melayu Hipster
Who else other then Wak Doyok who dares attempt this, but you might be surprised.
This is supposedly a more modern concept of the traditional baju melayu. And you do
not have to pair the top and the pants together with the same colour. You could dry
different colours to make a difference

And not forgetting the Pelikat pants.... which started becoming very trendy this year..
don't be surprise a few people might just turn up wearing this with their new clothings
or even with a Baju Melayu top.
don't be surprise a few people might just turn up wearing this with their new clothings
or even with a Baju Melayu top.

So there you have it..Now the question would be if you are daring to try this out back
home in front of your parents..... or just go for the original traditional Baju Melayu style
shown below.. So guys, what are you wearing for Raya?
And by the way, SELAMAT HARI RAYA, MAAF ZAHIR BATIN to all my Muslim
readers out here.....
home in front of your parents..... or just go for the original traditional Baju Melayu style
shown below.. So guys, what are you wearing for Raya?
And by the way, SELAMAT HARI RAYA, MAAF ZAHIR BATIN to all my Muslim
readers out here.....
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