My daughter and I were at the International Horse Show 2014 yesterday when we came across a stall doing Henna /Mehndi painting on your hand for just RM5. My daughter wanted one on her hand and so I let her do it and ended up with one for me too.

The lady drawing the designs was efficient and fast as you can see here on my Instagram Video. and
Instagram Video 2
Henna/Mehndi are made from the Henna leaves crushed to make juice, but nowadays there are commercialized preparations you can buy at the store. The stains are orange soon after application, but darken over the following three days to a reddish brown.

Soles and palms have the thickest layer of skin and so take up the most lawsone, and take it to the greatest depth, so that hands and feet will have the darkest and most long-lasting stains.

After the stain reaches its peak color it will fade, as the stained dead cells exfoliate. The stains usually goes off in a week or so depending on how often you bathe, wash your hand etc..etc...
What do you think of our designs?
ReplyDeleteThe bundle could be according to the quantity of individuals or it could be concerning the mehndi for hands and legs.Mehndi designs