I was at KLCC at 9.30 am
intending to be early for the event and also to get a parking space. Normally
on a normal weekday, KLCC would be very serene at this time without many people around, but it was really very crowded
when I arrived at the concourse level of Suria KLCC!!!
And some of the people have been there since 3-4am!!! Wh....aaa...tt?? Were they camping there or what....
The concourse area was packed and the atmosphere almost feverish with thousands
of gadget enthusiasts and Galaxy fans, as well as Korean celebrity Lee Kwang
Soo’s eager fans as Samsung Malaysia Electronics officially launched its latest
and highly anticipated device of the year, the Samsung Galaxy S7 edge
Said to be the game-changer and a representation of the next generation
of smartphones, the Galaxy S7 edge is a combination of powerful features and
enhanced performance – all packed in a refined and ever-stylish body.
The debonair Will Quah was the emcee for the event. It was amusing when he started introducing someone from Korea, Mr Lee... and the crowd began loudly cheering.... only to turn to a little disappointment for the waiting Lee Kwang Soo's fans....
Mr Lee Sang Hoon, chuckled a little as he took to the stage to unveil the Galaxy S7 edge as well as to give a short speech.
“We believe in a world that
is brighter, sharper, more convenient, and more fun. We strive to deliver on
that vision with the Galaxy S7 edge by marrying elegant design with
functionality and providing a seamless mobile experience," said Lee Jui Siang, Vice President of Mobile and IT Business Unit, Samsung
Malaysia Electronics.
"We empower consumers with technology to help them get more out of life and will continue to push the frontier of what’s possible."
Designed to meet the way consumers use their phones – all of the time –
the Galaxy S7 edge has a bigger battery
capacity (3,600mAh), an enhanced processor and the latest Android OS
(Marshmallow) to ensure that the batteries are used to their full potential. Its
big battery allow for a full day of high mobile usage, without users having to
worry about re-charging*. Packed with incomparable fast wired and wireless
charging, charging time has reduced dramatically and is especially ideal for
users who are always on-the-go.
As far as storage is
concerned, the Galaxy S7 edge is equipped with a microSD card slot that can
host up to 200GB of expandable storage, equivalent to almost 200 movies or
50,000 photos based on 1GB movie and 4MB photo. The improved microSD card slot
also works as a hybrid SIM card tray. The days of annoying re-start of the
phone just to swap between SIM cards are over thanks to this cleverly-designed
hybrid tray.
The Galaxy S7 edge introduces the first Dual Pixel camera on a
smartphone, delivering brighter and sharper images. Thanks to the revolutionary
Dual Pixel technology, brighter lens with wider aperture F1.7 and bigger pixel,
the camera has a faster shutter
speed and a more accurate autofocus even in low-light conditions. Motion
Panorama, a new camera mode, brings movement to traditional panoramic photos,
giving the user a completely immersive visual experience.
The 5.5-inch Quad
HD Super AMOLED on Galaxy S7 edge is constructed with 3D glass and metal – all in a
sleek design with durability and
ergonomic curves for a comfortable grip.
With the enhanced edge screen, users can access the Edge panel to easily see favourite content and services with just a swipe of the thumb. The device’s new Always-On Display, gives users a simplified, zero touch experience where they do not need to worry about missing a call or important notification.
Samsung made significant hardware and software updates to optimize gaming performance on the Galaxy S7
edge. The powerful processer and bigger battery capacity ensures longer playing
time, and the internal cooling system keeps the device cool.
Game Launcher
arranges all your games in one place automatically and the Game Tools allows
users to manage battery consumption and minimize notifications. Additionally,
users can record their gaming experience or share their screen to play with
others. Paired with the Galaxy S7 edge, Vulkan API gives users the ability to
play high-performance graphic games smoother, less lag and with lower battery
Edge UX, the advanced edge experience available on Galaxy S7 edge,
provides convenience and increased efficiency by creating easy shortcuts to
users’ most loved functions such as email, selfie mode, panorama mode or third
party applications. Galaxy S7 edge is equipped with IP68 capless dust and water resistance for up to 1.5m of water and up to
30 minutes.
Samsung also introduced its first ever Galaxy Butler Service – a
personalized ownership service exclusive to the Galaxy S7 edge. Underlining the
brand’s all-encompassing Galaxy experience, this unique service offers a 24/7
hotline, free pick-up and delivery service, priority express counters and
1-hour repairs service, remote management, smart switch and 7-points check-up –
assuring a peace of mind to owners on their consumer journey. Users can now
look forward to Samsung’s promise of a seamless and enjoyable ownership

After Mr Lee Jui Siang had finished his presentation which left most of us panting and definitely impressed, the VIPs from Samsung took to the stage for a group photo...
And finally, the 'face' of Samsung Galaxy S7 edge in Korea and Malaysia, the versatile Korean Superstar, Lee Kwang Soo joined the VIPs on the stage and then was when the pandemonium began...
There were screams, shrieks from everywhere and even many members of the media got into a frenzy trying to get good pictures of the man himself....
“When I heard that Samsung is
launching the Galaxy S7 edge in Malaysia, I knew I had to be a part of this
launch. The Galaxy S7 edge is the perfect combination of style, performance and
entertainment and being able to pick mine up in a very welcoming country where
I also get to visit my fans is quite the experience. The search for my perfect
smartphone has never ended better!” exclaimed Lee Kwang Soo at the launch event
of the Galaxy S7 edge.
To celebrate the grand
success of its new Galaxy S7 edge, Samsung Malaysia Electronics also took the
opportunity to share a portion of its success with Suriana Children's Welfare
As a socially responsible
company operating in Malaysia, Samsung Malaysia Electronics contributed RM
17,000 to the organization – where the funds will be channelled towards
providing under-privileged children the opportunity to explore and to develop
their talents.
As a company that continuously innovates for a better tomorrow, Samsung
aims to provide a better future as well as empower and inspire children to
become visionary future leaders.
The event ended on a high note where selected fans and those who had bought their Samsung Galaxy S7 edge device got to meet their idol for an autograph .. Sadly, I was not among them... huhuhu
Samsung knows that the innovation and excitement around
smartphones is no longer just about the hardware, but also about the overall
experience. Smartphones are more than just a phone nowadays; they are the gateway to a
galaxy of connected devices and experiences.
To address the changing marketplace, Samsung is focused on building an
ecosystem of new experiences that feature industry-leading software and
services to constantly improve how consumers connect to the different facets of
their lives, and to each other.
The Galaxy S7 edge will be available in Malaysia starting 18th
March 2016. Offered at the recommended retail price of RM3,099 (inclusive of 6%
GST), the Galaxy s7 edge is available in three colour options – Black Onyx,
Silver Titanium and Gold Platinum.
NOTE: some pics here are credit to Samsung and also Samsung's FB but the rest belong to me...
running man in town hahaha anything for samsung
DeleteNot sure if people are there for Kwang Soo or for the phone launch though HAHAHAHA! The phone does seem quite powerful though, but I'm worried about the battery capacity. Would it last the day through heavy usage?
ReplyDeleteIt is said that the battery can last longer and charging is faster
DeleteLOL it seems like most of the people were there for Kwang Soo instead of the new Samsung Galaxy S7 Edge! Seen the real
ReplyDeletePhone in shop, wonder how's the review later on :)
The crowd is unbelievable!If I was there it is definitely for Kwang Soo oppa xD
ReplyDeletehahahah... yeah... I can tell...
DeleteI am jealous now! hahaha... he is so cute just like in RM
ReplyDeleteAbsolutely... friendly and charming too
Deleteheard about his appearance and how it swarmed KLCC, my intern was complaining that he should be there instead of office! lee kwang soo is so tall!!
ReplyDeleteI think I'll also go there for Lee Kwang Soo only lolxxx!
ReplyDeleteI know the crowd is really crazy over Lee Kwang Soo I think I will too =D The design of edge is really sleek and modern. But the price is quite expensive T-T
ReplyDeleteThe phone sure had some great features! But I think the crowd was more interested with kwang soo than the phone. Haha
ReplyDeleteThe phone sure had some great features! But I think the crowd was more interested with kwang soo than the phone. Haha
ReplyDeleteAm an iPhone lover but of late I am considering a switch to Samsung. I might end up buying S7.
ReplyDeleteبالتأكيد إن تنظيف الحمامات ليست هي الطريقة التي تفضل قضاء عطلة نهاية الأسبوع وأنت تقوم بها ولكن من الممكن القول بأنها شر ولابد منه ولكل من يهتم بالقيام بتنظيف المنزل فإن تنظيف الحمامات هي المهمة الأكثر إزعاجاُ في الكثير من الأحيان وحتى مع إتباع جدول دوري للقيام بمهمة تنظيف الحمامات فإن الحفاظ على لمعانها ونظافتها سيتطلب القليل من الجهد يومياً أو الكثير منه أسبوعياً وهو مالن نختاره بكل تأكيد وفي هذا المقال سنجد الكثير من الخطوات الضروري إتباعها عند القيام بتنظيف الحمامات ولتحصل على حمامات نظيفة إلى حد اللمعان وبأسهل الطرق الممكنة. شركات تنظيف فلل بالرياض
يجب أن نقوم برش الدش كاملاً وذلك بإستخدام المنظف ومن ثم يجب تركه ولمدة 10 دقائق،وبالنسبة للمرايا فيمكن إستخدام منظف الزجاج والقيام بمسحها بإستخدام أوراق الجرائد، أما الأسطح فيمكن إستخدم المنظف متعدد الإستعمالات للتنظيف ويفضل إتباعه بمعقم للتطهير أو إختيار المنظف من النوع الذي يحتوي على معقم عند تنظيف الحمامات أو مطهر أو مبيد للجراثيم، أما المرحاض (مقعد الحمام) فيمكن إستخدم بخاخاً لرش المطهر على الأسطح الخارجية ومن ثم إسكب من المطهر داخل المرحاض وإتركه لمدة لاتقل عن العشر دقائق مع مراعاة تشغيل الشفاط، أما أحواض الغسيل فبالنسبة للحنفية وما حولها فيمكن أن يتم تلميعهم بإستخدام قطعة من القماش المحتوي على ألياف أما الحوض فيمكن إستخدم قطعة قماش منقوعة في الخل الأبيض للتنظيف وستلاحظ الفرق بنفسك. شركات تنظيف شقق بالرياض
الأرضيات فيمكن أن يتم مسح الأرضيات بإستخدام كمية وافرة من الماء الممزوج بالقليل من سائل جل الأواني، أما الصيدلية المنزلية (خزانة الأدوية) فيمكن أن تتخلص من كل الأدوية القديمة أو منتهية الصلاحية ومن ثم ننظف الأرفف بإستخدام مطهر قوي، أما فوهة الدش فيجب القيم بنقع فوهة الدش طوال الليل في الخل الأبيض وفي الصباح إستخدم فرشاة أسنان لتنظيفه ولنقع الفوهة في الخل يمكن أيضاً إستخدام كيس بلاستيكي من النوع الذي يمكن غلقه أو تضييقه واملأه بالخل مع غلق الكيس حول الفوهة أو إستخدم خيط من المطاط لتثبيته حولها بعناية.
أفكار وحيل إضافية لتنظيف الحمامات:
كبديل للمنظف المعتادعند تنظيف الحمامات يمكن إستخدم المزيج التالي: ملعقة كبيرة من البيكنج باودر مع مقدار ربع جالون من مزيج الماء والخل وذلك بنسبة مقدار من الخل مقابل 3 مقادير من الماء، أيضاً قبل الذهاب إلى النوم يجب أن يتك سكب مقدار كوب من الخل إلي داخل المرحاض وبمجرد الإستيقاظ صباحاً يجب القيام بتنظيفه ومن ثم شفطه، يجب أيضاً تشغيل الماء الساخن من الدش لبضع دقائق قبل عملية البدء بالتنظيف بفرشاة فالماء الساخن سيذيب القذارة ويقتل الجراثيم، يمكن أيضاً مزج مقداراً واحداً من الكلور (المبيض) في مقابل 10 مقادير من الماء مع إستخدام هذا المزيج والفرك قليلاً بفرشاة أسنان قديمة للقيام بتنظيف الرواسب العالقة أو أماكن تواجد العفن أو أي بقع تجدها أثناء تنظيف الحمامات ثم اتركها لمدة 10 دقائق ثم القيام بفركه مجدداً بالفرشاة ومن ثم شطفه. أيضاً لا يجب نسيان تنظيف ستارة الحمام فقد تكون بؤرة منسية لتراكم الكثير من الميكروبات والعفن كما يمكن تنظيفها إما بغسلها في الماء الساخن مع القليل من الصابون أو برشها-وهي معلقة بإستخدام مزيج 1/3 من الكلور المبيض مقابل 2/3 من الماء إذا لم يكن من السهل إنزالها وتعليقها مرة أخرى. وللمزيد من اللمعان للمرايا، أضف القليل من الخل لماء التنظيف. مع ارتداء قفازات مطاطية فهذا أمراً ضروري جداً عند تنظيف الحمامات، ليس فقط للوقاية من الجراثيم، ولكن لتحمي يديك من المواد الكيماوية والمنظفات.
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