Nov 29, 2022

IC-CFS Project Showcase at KLCC Convention Centre

The “Improving Connectivity in the Central Forest Spine Landscape” (IC-CFS) project was designed to assist the Malaysian Government in addressing the fragmentation of the Central Forest Spine in Peninsular Malaysia, with conserving the CFS areas which have high megadiversity of species, including the only remaining population of Malayan tigers….

The project was endorsed in 2014 and to date, remains highly relevant and represents important opportunities of cross-dissemination to inform the Government of Malaysia’s (GoM) flagship Central Forest Spine initiative as well as Malaysia’s commitment in international convention specifically the Convention on Biological Diversity to maintain at least 50% of forest and tree cover in perpetuity.

Every project has its ups and downs and IC-CFS is no exception. The project got off on a slow start and experienced a mix of implementation challenges including the Covid pandemic. 

Nonetheless, the project made several adjustments and put in place effective-adaptive management plans, showcasing its versatility and adaptability to weather the storms which enabled the project to receive its final project continuation until December 2023.

As the project steps on the pedal to cross the finishing line by end of 2023, it is evident from today’s showcase that the project is making a concerted effort to document its key achievements and transfer of knowledge to all agencies.

The IC-CFS project has been made successful thanks to the support of all agencies such as the Jabatan Perhutanan Semenanjung Malaysia (JPSM), Jabatan Perlindungan Hidupan Liar dan Taman Negara Semenanjung Malaysia (PERHILITAN), Institut Penyelidikan Perhutanan Malaysia (FRIM), Jabatan Perhutanan Negeri (JPN) Perak, Pahang and Johor as well as NGO such as World Wide Fund for Nature Malaysia (WWF), Malaysian Nature Society (MNS), Pelindung Alam Malaysia (PELINDUNG), Malaysian Rainforest Station (MRS) and Malaysian Conservation Alliance for Tiger (MyCAT)…

Like it or not, we are in an unprecedented moment in the history of our planet, with warning signs flashing red. However, we have the choice to unlock policies, capacities and finances for the social, economic, and environmental transformations needed to rebalance our social and planetary systems, so that humans, nature and the planet may thrive together.

Sustainability must be the key focus. And as we are gearing towards the Convention on Biological Diversity COP15 next month, member states will discuss the post-2020 Biodiversity Framework – a new set of global biodiversity targets to put a stop to the loss of biodiversity and ecosystems.

UNDP -United Nations Development Program is committed to assist the Government of Malaysia in addressing the global crisis through early implementations of post-2020 Global Biodiversity Framework - Early Action Support funds by GEF and the spin off project ‘Building Institutional Capacities to Reduce the Poaching and Trafficking of Iconic Wildlife and Wildlife Products in Malaysia’ in collaboration with KeTSA.

UNDP stands ready to walk this journey with you as we make this ambitious commitments and targets happen, building forward a better, greener and fairer future for Malaysia and the world.

Malaysia has been identified as one of the 17 megadiverse countries that have 70 percent of the known species in the world. Biodiversity is a valuable natural asset of the country in maintaining the natural environment as well as life-support systems in various sectors such as agriculture, forestry, fisheries, medicine and tourism.

Currently, Malaysia’s forest cover is 18.28 million hectares or 55.3 percent of its total land area. The government will continued their commitment to keep the 1992 Earth Summit Pledge which is to maintain at least 50 percent forest and tree cover in Malaysia. Today, three decades later, Malaysia has not reneged on that pledge….

1 comment:

  1. The IC-CFS Project Showcase at KLCC Convention Centre provides a platform for innovative projects and ideas to be presented and shared. With a focus on research and development, this showcase offers a valuable opportunity for collaboration, learning, and the exchange of knowledge in various fields. A must-visit event for those interested in cutting-edge advancements.


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