Dec 4, 2015

Penang : Purrfect Cat Cafe

My youngest daughter has always wanted to go to a cat café and on learning that my elder daughter went to one, she insisted that the next time we are in Penang, we would then visit the cat café. 

So since we were in Penang, to honour her wishes, we headed there to the Purrfect Cat Café , which is only 2 doors away from the Camera Museum along Lebuh Muntri. 

If you are trying to find a parking space along this narrow stretch of road, it is going to be a chore. My husband and I parked the car along in the car park opposite Komtar and we walked all the way there, stopping for a moment at Nasi Kandar Line Clear for dinner.  

From the outside of the cat cafe, you can already see a lot of cat related pictures, merchandises and such....

When you enter the Purrfect Cat Café , you can find even more cat related merchandises at the ground floor . The café is on the upper floor. The merchandises you can find here are t shirts, dresses, bags, soft toys, mugs, cute cat figurines and more.

To see and interact with the cats, there is a minimum spending of RM18 per person. There are quite a bit of interesting cakes, pastries, coffee and tea for you to choose from.

You can make your selection from crepe cakes ( RM11.90 and above per slice), pastries (RM6.90 and above per piece), pies (RM9.90 and above per piece) , Coffee (RM7.90 and above per cup), Germany’s Ronnefeldt Tea by the Pot (RM12.90) and a few other items…

Well, there have to be some House Rules when patronizing the cat café, so be sure to read them carefully or you could get fined RM100 for breaking the rules....

The cat café has 8 cats at the moment, but when I was there, they told me there were only 7 cats. They are the café mascots, Molly, Bear, Teddy, Marble, Leo, Snowy, Orange and Nala.

You might feel that paying RM18 per head is a bit expensive, but well, cat cafes also need to find ways to survive with the high cost of maintenance, especially when their cats are pedigrees. Any true animal lover can understand this. 

Before visiting the cats, you have to wash your hands and take off your shoes before moving upstairs where the cats are. Going up the white wooden stairways would lead you to an enclosed area where there would be two segregated zones. 

One is the glassed cat zone where you are free to interact with the cats. Well,  just do not carry them around as it can distress them – ask yourself, how would you like strangers carrying you around? Respect the cats!!!

Although there are eight cats right now in residence, don’t expect all of them to be on show. The cats are let out to look adorable for you in shifts so as not to tire them.

There may be three or four at any one time in the cat zone. And well, being cats, they will probably be spending the majority of the time sleeping as well…..(and in case there are crazy thinking people out there, no, they are not drugged!!!) 

There is also another smaller cats’ play room which is separated from the main interaction room, but this is out of bounds for unauthorized humans. You can however view the cats at anytime through the glass..

The other zone is the café area which is cat-free but where cat paraphernalia is aplenty. It is so obvious the owners of this lovely cafe are hard core cat people...

The sitting arrangement is quite Japanese style with just small square Ikea tables and floor sofas as well as adorable cat faced cushions...

The WiFi password and the Instagram hashtag or tag is there for you to share all your cat pictures...

And here are our drinks.... I was kind of hoping for a cat design on my cappucino, but only got this flower, but ah well... hehehe....  my daughter got a glass of nice ice blended lychee which tasted so refreshing and delightful, especially after the walk here…

So there you have it... if you are a cat lover, do be sure to check out this lovely place....

53 Lebuh Muntri, 10200 George Town, Penang, Malaysia.
604-261 1197
Business Hours: 11.00am-9.30pm


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