Oct 1, 2015

Bloggers Pets Day Out at PetsMore


I was there at the inaugural Pets Day Out event for media and bloggers held at the PJ SS2 PetsMore outlet yesterday. 

We were there to check out PetsMore biggest outlet and were invited to bring our pets along, however I did not think my pets , being the unsociable cats they were, were up to going for an outing, so I went on my own. We definitely had a lot of fun there and were also treated to many interesting activities such as the Pet Decoration Contest and Cage Decoration Contest.

Me cuddling a Scottish Fold cat...

This was also the rare time we could get to cuddle the many different cats or dogs there as well as take some memento snapshots with them...but I have a feeling that it wasn't that thrilling for the animals since they were being harassed for pictures and kept exchanging hands... LOL

Since it's beginnings in 2002, PetsMore is a one-stop-solution pet centre that covers all your pet’s needs from grooming, boarding to top quality pet products such as treats, supplements, food, leashes/collars, beds, bowls, cleaning supplies, accessories, kitty litter and more.

Just love the look at this adorable Rottweiler puppy's face

Petsmore is an amazing place for pet owners because their staff are constantly being sent for training to ensure they are well equipped with the necessary knowledge and skills, and in maintaining
their standard of excellent customer service.

This gorgeous bengal is my favourite...

And..... did you know Petsmore has an attractive loyalty programme whereby customers can enjoy a further 5 percent discount on all purchases on their birthday month. 

If you signed up for this ‘Everyday Privileges’ programme, you will be entitled to a spend-and-reward system whereby any purchases made will earn you points for attractive redemption. 

And you can further enjoy 168 hours of health warranty for any pets purchase, an extended 30 days products exchange policy as well as a complimentary of two days hotel stay per year! Isn't that amazing or what!!!!

Lots of cat posts to choose from

You can really find all you need for your furkids here at PetsMore... And the PetsMore outlet at SS2 (next to neway ) is a 4 storey store comes with a Pet hotel and Grooming Salon for those stylish furbabies of yours...

Hamsters, rabbits, sugar gliders anyone???

You can find cats, dogs (both the big breeds or the toy breeds) as well as small critters like hamsters, guinea pigs, sugar gliders, rabbits and so on....and all that you need to feed, house or care for them...

There is a huge variety of cat food and dog food, from the normal affordable ones to the premium ones..

 As for your info, to date, PetsMore.com is also dubbed as the largest online pet shop in Malaysia.

Awww... don' t you think this Schnauzer is adorable....

During the event, the COO of Petsmore, Mr. Sean Saw introduced the latest promotion on their
grooming services. 

Petsmore is giving a great deal so that pet owners may experience the importance of grooming. He added, pets too revel in dolling up. 

Check out this adorable video.....

So go ahead and pamper and spoil those furbabies of yours...Be sure to check out the following attractive deals are offered:

1) RM150 ONLY for the First Trial Cat Basic Grooming Package. For 5 sessions, customers will save a whopping RM265 when their feline friends get services such as ear cleaning, nail care, and bathing & blow drying.

2) RM100 ONLY for the First Trial Dog Basic Grooming Package. For 5 sessions, customers will now save a whopping RM195 when their canine friends get services such as eye trimming, leg
trimming, ear cleaning, ear hair removal, nail care, shaving of paw pad, stomach, private area, cleaning of anal gland, and bathing & blow drying.

Another sought after service at Petsmore is said to be the Spa Grooming service – Micro Bubbles SPA System. Your pets will be in for a total pampering treat as this Micro Bubbles SPA System offers antibacterial deep cleansing, deodorization and moisturization of fur and skin, reducing itchiness, and leaving the pets with a calming effect. This Micro Bubbles SPA System is strictly hypoallergenic and improves therapeutic effects while enhancing the immunity of pets.

Meanwhile, their new Pet Hotel was launched in the hope that more pet owners have the peace of mind that their furry family members are well taken care of during their absence.

According to Mr. Sean Saw, pet owners may have a tendency to alter or cancel their travel plans if they could not make suitable arrangements for pet care but this is not necessary should they opt to check their pets in Petsmore’s Pet Hotel.

“Our staffs are not only well trained but are animal lovers themselves who are passionate about every pet’s well-being. They understand that the customer’s worry is similar to the concern of a parent about to hand over their beloved child, so rest assured, these pets are in the best hands,” said Mr. Sean Saw.

Petsmore’s Pet Hotel provides 5-star boarding services to every pet, including individual ventilation system for each hotel room, daily cleaning and disinfection of the room, supply of food and fresh water at all times, as well as daily dry bath grooming for hygiene care and to ensure the pet in good appearance.

Prices for accommodation start at just RM42 per day for a maximum of one (1) pet at the Superior Suite; and RM73 per day for a maximum of two (2) pets at the Royal Suite.

Meanwhile, Mr. Sean Saw  announced that 18 of 21 Petsmore outlets in Klang Valley have opened their doors after some extensive refurbishments. Gone were the days where Petsmore outlets have narrow walkways with unorganized sections, without pet spa and grooming services.

The newly refurbished outlets today boast wider walkways with clearer section indicators and new aquatic sections for pet fish lovers. They now have also become a one-stop shop for pet spa and
grooming services.

For more information, please visit Petsmore official webpage at www.petsmore.com

You may also become a fan at Petsmore Facebook page at http://www.facebook.com/petsmore to get the latest updates and information. 

Follow  their Instagram @Petsmore.


  1. so cute pets, love the pups. I have cats last time when younger but not anymore. suppose go event but so sick, nose block and ear block plus cough on the day.

    1. no wonder did not see you... miss you... long time no see you

  2. OMG!!! Thay are so cute ♡
    But I'm not dare to touch them, I'm so scared~~~

  3. OMG!!! Thay are so cute ♡
    But I'm not dare to touch them, I'm so scared~~~

  4. Oh my god. is that the pet baju? nice and never thought now pet baju also got

    1. there are sooooooo many pet baju nowadays..... even for cats but does not mean the cats like them... hahaha

  5. Too many adorable stuff there!! And pets hotel sounds like a great idea when the owner is away ;)

    Xoxo, FiSh @ www.ohfishiee.com

    1. Exactly... I need cat hotels sometimes... I mean pet hotels...

  6. so cute.. love pets! My parents have a toy poodle in penang, and they love her to bits

    1. Used to have a poodle too when I was a kid... hehehe

  7. so upset that i was unable to join u, due to time crashing with work. but it must be a great event for all pet lovers! hope there is more similar event to come in future!

    1. There is supposed to be... hope you can join next one...

  8. thx for sharing!and thx petmore for offer the pets hotel !! good idea for pet lovers who always busy!!

    1. Exactly... great place to send your fur babies when we are travelling...

  9. love the cats and dogs there. Sad didn't meet you, yeah miss you so much. It's been a while since we last met.

  10. The animals there so cute. Really want to bring all of them home but no money. Ha ha ha...

  11. cute fur kids.. Great event for the little pet..

  12. What a great outing for pets and owners. I wish I could take my dog to an event like this too but she's too naughty!

    1. My cats are too antisocial to go to these events... they would be so stressed and I would be stressed too LOL

  13. They are looking so gorgeous and felt like cuddling them as a baby. Wonderful place for them to enjoy.

  14. so cute.. an d spotted the pet clothes. now i know where to get for my friiend who is doggy lovers

  15. Would love to have a golden retriever one day :) So many cute cats and dogs there! Wish I could be there.

    1. I know right... they are one of my favourite dogs too....

  16. Omg all the pets so cute! I especially love the doggies!! 😍😍😍

    1. me too.... hehehe, well, I put all the cute doggies pics here... LOL

  17. ooh...the doggies are so so adorable.

  18. AHHH!!! They all look so adorable! I can't wait to own one! Do you have a pet of your own too?

  19. Ohh dear....the pets are so soadorable 😊😉 if my parents allow pet at home, I will sure bring one of the puppy home ☺️ Ha...ha...the little little pets clothes on the rack display so cute!!
    Cheers, https://siennylovesdrawing.wordpress.com

  20. The pets are so adorable. Happy to see you that day :)


  21. I pay a visit to their outlet before and all the puppy and kitten just so cute!!

  22. such a nice event. Love pets. Have a toy poodle back in my parents house in penang. No pets here yet in KL though, as the MRS not really into having pets.

  23. Oh nooo I missed this super cute event! I would have probably hugged all of them x.x

  24. The pets are sooooo cute! Wish to hug them and bring them home! Lovely and cute event!! >.<

    1. I know right.... it just so happens all the animals there were just that adorable....

  25. That cat!! This event was at the petsmore in cittamall right?

  26. Hi Miera! Indeed a great pets day out to remember. hehe. All the pets there so cuteeeee.

    1. I sooooo agree... thanks for the lift there......

  27. i love animals so much, especially cats. the animals there really nice, let you cuddle them too.

  28. My niece got her first pet there, good services :)

    1. How nice... lucky girl..... I agree... their service top notch

  29. I seldom go to PetsMore. Simply because I own exotic pets not common pets. So, not really suit me~

    1. Cute..... iguana? or snake? what is it..... you are unique!!!

  30. Cheers to the share Miera, the pets look so cute! Love love love animals, they are really something unique :)

    1. animals are innocent and live for instincts.. not like us humans... some humans are just so mean and greedy and out to harm others... =(

  31. Nice informative article, Thank you Miera Nadhirah for posting.

  32. Petsmore is one of the best pet stores in Malaysia, their services are top-notch. Thumps up Miera for enlightening our us through this post.

  33. Petsmore Wangsa Melawati.
    Not recommended shop for buying any pets here.

    I bought a cat on the 17/9/2016 (Saturday) for RM6,061.00. Additional RM600.00 for the accesories and needed. Full payment on the 18/09/2016 (Sunday).Petsmore Wangsa Melawati promises that their cat all are in good condition/healthy/disease free.

    After i made a full payment, i straight away bring the cat to Vet for full body checkup. I was shocked!!!. My cat have a active fungus. The doctor also gave a medical report for that cat and a medicine. Cost me around RM30. After that i go back to the shop bring along the cat with the medical report given by the doctor. The Petsmore Wangsa Melawati's Manager told me that she will bring our cat to their panel doctor on the Monday (19/09/2016) because they must diagnose with their own panel doctor.

    Tuesday (20/09/2016)
    I contact Petsmore Wangsa Melawati to ask about my cat status. They said everything in order. My cat in good care and in medical treatment.

    Saturday (23/09/2016)
    I go to the shop. Just hope i can bring back our cat. Because since i bought it, i dont have any chance to take care of that cat. Not even close as a owner.

    But ive been told that
    i) My cat fungus not yet cured.
    ii) The fungus already spread to another spot. Already have 2 spot.
    iii) Petsmore Wangsa Melawati did not bring my cat to their panel doctor yet while im leave my cat with them. They just try to take care by themselves.

    WHAT THE HECK!!! We try to be patient at this time! Where are their promises before.

    We seek them bring our cat to their panel doctor since the cat still not fully cured. Once again Petsmore Wangsa Melawati promises that they will bring my cat to panel doctor on coming working weeks.

    29/09/2016 Thursday.
    I been told that my cat show a progressively cure. and my cat in a good condition. But still they did not bring my cat to their panel doctor. They just try to take care by themselves again. And once again they promised to me they will bring my cat to their panel doctor. Ridiculouss!!!!

    30/09/2016 Friday.
    I ask Petsmore about my cat status. They told me that if they have free time, they will bring my cat to their panel doctor. Ridiculouss!!!! Im your customer...My cat was with you!!Where is your responsible towards me and towards the cat. Ive already lost my patience.

    1/10/2016 Saturday
    4.45pm - I ask again about may cat status. Too SAD.NEVER PROACTIVE!! They just bring to their panel doctor after got my message.... CANNOT BE TOLERATE!!NO RESPONSIBILTY.. very CONTRADICT with PETSMORE OBJECTIVE and MISSION at ALL.

    9/10/2016 (Sunday)
    I was VERY-VERY SHOCKED TODAY. SAD.ANGRY. )(&*^&*%&^$%$%#$#

    I call Petsmore Wangsa Melawati.
    i) My cat just sent to another vet today which im not been told before.
    ii) My cat already show a symptom not good condition - dont want to eat. eat-vomit.flu.ringworm - still not have any progress to be cure.

    Already almost a month since i make a full payment bought that cat. And yet, im not any second get the chance to hold the cat like im not the owner.

    Today i just come to request full refund because already too much time.gas.fuel.travelling from my place to that shop. But ive been told cannot be refund!!!!!!

    Beware guys...please thinks million times before you wanna buy any pets or goods from PETSMORE or sent boarding/grooming to them... They do not treat u guys seriously as well as your pets... Please re-think again!!!!!!!! DONT REGRET LATER ON!!!

    BM version will coming later.

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