speaks by need to explain what happened..just rejoice the photos..heh..
Eun Sang went to throw out the trash. She turn around and saw Kim Tan was here with tears in his eyes holding his breath and pain in his heart. Looking at Kim Tan she cannot hold back her tears and started crying with him. She asked him what happened? KT: Remember when you said when I'm in danger that you would take my hand and run? Does it applies here? ES shakes her head. KT was quite disappointed with her sad!! But ES slowly embrace him tightly. Tan was relieved with her action. They were both crying.
R and mom reached home and still cannot believed what they heard earlier. Her mom asked her whether she knew about Tan's secret but she threw back the question to her mom saying that she should know better. Both are mad. Mom suggested that for Business Purpose just continue the engagement and later break it. R was mad.
She went to meet YD and snaps out why he didn't told her about this matter and asked him what is his plans? YD said that he plans to keep R mouth shut! She asked him why? He said that all this while he has keeping it for secret and it's the best thing he ever do. As this would be pain to KT.

KT and ES went to MS hideout. He changed the door password. They sit facing each other. He asked her where did she go on the other night? She asked him, why he cried? He wouldn't let her know by telling silly jokes..MS is outside trying to go into the room..but he can't since KT has changed the password..haha!! He keep insisting ES to answer him and locking her with his knees. (this is funny!!). Suddenly ES's phone was ringing. It was YD. KT answer his call. YD was quite disappointed hearing KT voice and asked whether ES and KT are friend? He answer confidently, " We are lovers". Apparently YD told KT that he knew his confession earlier.
KT saw the photos of ES and YD that MS took during the camp. He was jealous...ES unpack her bag and started doing her homework. KT was angry that ES still can do her work while he's there and goes to the sofa to sleep..kind of cute scene here!! After a while, he slept. ES turn around and saw him sleeping. "Have a good dream " she said. KT: I am, you are here with me!

Next morning, both of them came out from the room and was shocked by flashing of camera. MS spent the night outside (since the door is locked) and taking their pictures. They ended up taking a cab together to school. MS asked them are they dating? Tan said yes but ES denied. KT told MS that ES hugged him. MS asked what did they do after hugging? KT starts making faces, they ended up laughing. (so cute!!!).
They both walks towards school. ES recalls back when they was walking together in the past whereby KT was following her behind. KT ask happily " Does it feel different with me beside you? He holds out his hand (again), "be brave". This time she reached out to his hand and apologize for being late (holding hands). They smiles..(I'm happy for them!!) They walked around the school holding hands confidently and happily despite the look from other students while R sees from afar. They stop as they run into YD. He saw the romantic gesture and warns them not to do it in school. KT chases ES away. YD asked her to answer her own phone. ES warns them not to fight.

KT warns YD not to call ES. YD said he will not going easy on Tan and asked him how will he clean up this mess he created. KT replied that he will do nothing but just enduring the circumstances.
R went to the broad cast room, ES is there. KT walks in. R said she will show ES something. KT told her not to bother ES but she slapped him..Ouch!! again? poor boy and at the same spot!! ES was shocked. R was mad that KT has never begging her to be his fiance despite being a bastard and wonders why KT's mom pretending to be ES's mom? ES left and KT follows her..and before that he told R that R will never be his choice!! Hah!!

He waited for ES outside the toilet and chases all away. BN came by. After a few conversation he realized that ES has spent the other night at BN's house. He was relieved!! He gave Bn a High-5!! ES came out and he told her that it wasn't her fault that he's crying yesterday.

In front of the locker, CY, ES and BN are there. CY tease ES, BN got jealous. haha! Cy and ES left. YS came by and asked BN what does she find Cy attractive when he's merely a secretary son? BN was totally mad. YS also told her about KT and R engagement broke off, R overhead and announed to all that YS mom is a Bar Madam. Everyone heard.
At the cafe, BN and R are sitting at YD place where he torture the charity students before. They were intending to bully YS this time. YS is crying. KT walks in and asked YS to move over. He sat at the chair and eat. YD came by. YD is mad that KT are breaking his rule in bullying the welfare students. He pour the curry onto KT's uniform. KT remains cool and took off his uniform and threw it at YD's face while saying sorry to ES. He asked YD to follow him outside. ES rushes in and pull KT out from the scene while Cy pulls out BN. ES scolded KT for playing with YD. She thought his different from YD as she compares him a junior high vs YD an elementary school kid. CY and BN also are fighting. CY was hurt that BN was embarrassed of him as a secretary son.

KT comes home. Dad was mad and chased him out from the house and asked him to leave all his belonging such as Handphone, credit cards and almost everything. Mom's stop him from leaving but he insist to leave. He even told dad that he knew R was his insurance but he doesn't need it.
Es was about to leave the cafe when KT arrived. He told her that he was kicked out from home. He came by taxi and has no money to pay for the fare. ES was mad that why he took the cab at first place when he doesn't have money?? Lol!! They went inside the cafe. ES asked him what is his plan? He said he will study hard and become successful..(for a 100th ranked student to say that, haha!! you sure have to study very2 hard Tan!!). ES suggested him to enter the K-Pop Star but he said he can't sing!! (can't you?? haha..very2 funny) He asked ES for HS, CY and MS phone number.

As plan he went to meet those guys at MS hideout. He begged them for shelter and food but no one cares. BN came by but CY left. (still not in good term I guess!) The other 2 are curious why is he been chased out from the house..he just give them a rough idea. HS offers him to stay at his house and KT rejected saying that HS's mom is scary..Ya!! true!!

HS is at home, trying to text HJ. Mom came into his room and told him to attend for another interview and warned him that she doesn't give a darn if he try to commit suicide.!! (what kind of mom is that?? I'm truly sympathy with HS as he is such a sweet hyung and oppa to the others).
ES is at the cafe when mom came. She was concerned that ES just left the house like that and wants ES to return home. She asked her where is KT? KT showed up. She begged him to came back home. He resist. Mom" what if your dad found out that you are with ES'? KT" he probably knew since he put someone to tail me". Mom is worried and ask ES to follow her home in order to drag KT together but he still refuse. He asked mom for his hp and clothes and asked mom to take care of his girlfriend..

ES is at KT's home. Her mom was curious why is she coming back? ES said it's KT's dad arrangement.

KT has no where else to go but to this hyung. He begged him to let him stay for a night. He closed the door first but opens it later..such a sweet hyung!!

KT told Won about him being hit and chased out by dad without money since he is a illegitimate son. KT is enjoying his dinner when Yoon calls Won and told him about Tan's shares of the stock of Jeguk. Tan is curious if they are talking about him. Won just throw a credit card on the table and asked KT to find another room as he is not sleeping with him tonight.
KT tried to book for another room but was rejected by the front counter after received orders from YD..just look at the drawing of KT by KT is happy to be sleeping together with hyung..

Won crushing on bed while KT is on the sofa. He wonders if Won is sleeping because he has a lot of things to talk and ask with Won..Won is still awake.

The next morning. Won sent KT to school. KT asked whether he can pick him after school. He chased him out. Won saw HJ walking by and trying to get out of the car but stops..

HJ introduced herself to the class. She told the students that she knew they are discriminating each other by means of money but she will discriminate them in terms of grade. KT recognizes her.
KT's dad, JS and Yoon are having a meeting. Dad told Yoon that he even instruct someone to tail on him. He told Yoon to check which shareholders are selling the stock. He instructed JS to win over R's mom and even told Yoon to sent ES to study overseas since he's plan didn't worked out here at school.
ES met KT at school and asked him about spending the night with hyung. ES offers him donuts and know what happened next right? Just enjoy below photos..heh!

HS did went for the interview but he flopped out. KT try to call him but he's not answering. KT went to see JS and get scolded for ruining everything included the stock prices. KT was sitting at the golf class. MS asked why is he here..he said he's avoiding ES.

ES went to the cafe for the part time job. Boss said that someone booked the entire place tonight. Eventually it's YD. YD tells her he had to do this since to get her attention. YD asks for two drinks for them. ES only makes one. YD sits while ES cleans up around the café. YD tells her to rest. ES ignores him so he spills his drink on the floor. He threatens to spill the rest of it if ES doesn’t sit down. She eventually sits down.

ES asked him what actually does he wants from her. YD" Answer your phone, answer me when I talk to you and sy hi! to me when we meet" ES told him that she knew YD likes her and that she know why he's keeping her secret but she has to reject his heart and apologize. (good job ES!)
YD: I have been rejected..can I seek for revenge?
ES told him to do so since she rejected him. But YD said it's hurtful for him to hurt her but instead he will seek revenge on others (KT??)

YD was resting with his head on table in school. He recalls back what ES said. He gets up and went to the school broadcast system. Tan can hear from his locker. YD starts talking about Tan. ES rushes to stop him. Tan is walking slowly. YD says he will reveal KT's secret in 60 seconds.
He says :” Your enemy is not the person standing in front of you with a knife but the person next to you.”
ES rushed into broadcast room. ES pulls YD out of the room but he pulls her back. Saying he is doing all this just for this small moment. ES says: stop this YD. YD: don’t call me like that.
Tan is outside. He sees YD and ES. Tan tries to get in but the door is locked. Tan is still outside kicking the door furiously to get in.
ES instruct YD to open door. But YD says when I said I would torture all those around you, it included KT and me.
Photos: credit to owner

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