Dec 15, 2013

The Sunway Resort City Celebration Year End Parade

The Sunway Resort City, namely Sunway Lagoon, Sunway Pyramid and Sunway Lagoon Resort Hotel and Spa held a Celebration Year End Parade beginning from the Sunway Lagoon Resort Hotel and ending with literally a big bang of daylight fireworks... However a change of good weather to heavy drizzle made the organisers change their route a little. The parade went through the short cut from the Sunway Lagoon Resort Hotel to Sunway Pyramid and to Sunway Lagoon, as opposed to the original plan of using the main road.
Little daughter with the Lagoon express train filled to the brim with balloons but this train did not get to join the parade because of the change of route...

A strange medley of characters.. Captain and Lady Quack, a dwarf( from the Snow White and the Seven Dwarves Musical), a Pharaoh, Elvis.. making their way to the starting point of the parade..

Another picture as the characters pass us by. Anne was delighted to see them, as only a child could but her mom was also happy being a trigger happy (camera) person and a child at heart...
After this picture, little daughter and I walked towards the Sunway Lagoon courtyard area.

This was the sight that greeted us. A huge balloon drop consisting of 2000 balloons willed with surprise gifts in some which are shopping vouchers, tickets to Sunway Lagoon theme park, vouchers for buffet hi tea, dinner and even hotel stays were up for grabs.

Little daughter posing in front.. Love the pic as it was colourful!!

The crowd gathering and waiting for the parade to arrive ...

And the balloon drop with all the prizes were just too irresistible to be left alone as well.. 

The parade arrives...

Traditional dancers from Tourism Malaysia ...

Captain and Lady Quack, Sunway Lagoon theme park mascots

Elegant Leona, the female half of Sunway Pyramid's pair of mascots.

a Red figure? Amidst Nando's and Wendy's mascots

Santa Claus joins the parade.....

A local drumming band....

Snow White and her handsome prince and a couple of dwarves... all cast from the Musical - Snow White and the Seven Dwarves currently performing nightly at the Sunway Lagoon Amphitheatre

more cast from Snow White and the evil Queen too...

Santa's relatives?

Here comes Marilyn, Michael Jackson and the Egyptians...

The clowns... We must not forget the gaily bedecked clowns, source of children's entertainment and some nightmares (I know of a few kids who really fear clowns... heheh)

The show kicks off with traditional Malaysian dance performance...a mixture/fusion of all cultures/races dances and costumes...

These local drumming group is pretty good at what they do...

The winners of the Leo Cub Angel fancy dress competition...Aren't they so adorably angelic...1st prize to 3 rd prize from left to right...

The Punjabi drums ....

 The finale of the parade... daylight fireworks.. more of pyrotechnics with colour , confetti and some actual fireworks...

Well, they had the balloon drop at this point and since I was focusing on the daylight fireworks, I kind of missed it. The crowd near the balloon drop showed the ugly side of some people who snatched up as many balloons as they could and even shoving and stepping over a couple of children, despite the organizers asking them to allow the kids to have the first go of the balloons... 
When I got back to the mall, I saw a couple of these greedy people busily going through their spoils. And they really got a lot!!! at least 10 pcs of vouchers etc... ahh.... the selfishness of some people...

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