What did you do during the past weekend? As for yours truly, I was over at Padang Merbuk early on Sunday morning at 6 am, well, to get a parking, of course.. hehehe....
It was the day for the Kordel's Charity Fun Walk, the day when the very young and elderly, and everyone in-between will walk to help raise
funds for the escalating treatment costs for a silent disease that affects five in 1,000 Malaysians....
For the 8th year in a row, Kordel’s is supporting the Arthritis Foundation Malaysia (AFM),
with their annual Kordel’s Charity Fun Walk, to raise funds and increase public awareness on joint
health, namely osteoarthritis as well as to support needy patients with the Arthritis Foundation Malaysia while also encouraging members of the public to kick-start a healthier lifestyle and of course, yours truly decided to join in...
The crowd began thronging and then just before the Fun Walk began, everyone warmed up with some simple aerobics and stretching....
After warming up, all the participants made their way to the starting line.. It was pretty challenging to many as it was a 7 km long walk, and even I was slightly taken aback when I first heard about it and I even contemplated cheating, since I was part of the media, thinking I might just double back...but somehow my mini me and I decided to take the challenge and go all the way...
The Charity Fun Walk was flagged off by Ho Swee Lin, General Manager of Cambert (M) Sdn Bhd and Dr Sargunan Sockalingam, AFM President....
Readyyyyy...... Get Set........
Everyone started the Fun Walk, some even running....
The route was quite challenging with uphill and downhill climbs but going through pretty scenic routes...pass Bank Negara Malaysia, Sasana Kijang,...
... to the prestigious address of Bukit Tunku where we admired mansions and expensive bungalows around the area.....
Did you know that age is actually the most powerful predictor of OA or osteoarthritis, with the prevalence of OA rising steeply with advancing age at all joints... Women are more likely to suffer from knee OA then their male counterparts...
But the good news is, we can reduce the risk of this disease. Walking can ease the stiffness and will benefit overall health so if you are suffering from knee pain, DO NOT use it as an excuse not to walk.. it will become a USE IT OR LOSE IT kinda thing....
For those who are younger, and have not experience knee pain or the beginning of OA, prevention is of course, the best...
Kordel also has some promising health supplements that may help to retard the progression of OA and slow down the progression of cartilage degradation. And with the combination of healthy eating, staying physically active, all the risk factors can be mitigated....
And that dearly beloveds, it is important to keep our joints such as knees, hips and elbows healthy to allow us to run, walk, jump, play sports and do the things we want to do. And we have to be physically active in order to strengthen the muscles around our joints.....which is one of the reason the Kordel's Charity Fun Walk is organised, in the hope of bringing the whole family together to participate and exercise together....
The walk continued to Lebuhraya Mahameru and back to the Padang Merbok, where finishers got their finisher medals, and indulged in some light and healthy breakfast served up at several stalls and food trucks...
My mini me, jubilant after finishing her first 7 km walk in just 1 hour 20 minutes....
There were of course, fun games, lucky draws, a photo booth and health check ups as well for everyone there.....
A whooping RM42,500.00 was collected and channelled to the Arthritis Foundation Malaysia, proceeds from the Charity Fun Walk...
This fund will help needy patients who cannot afford joint replacements.....
Thanks to Kordels for having me over... and well, I am on track with part of my new year's resolution now that I have done a 7 km walk.... I should try a 10 km before the year ends.....

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