The year is 1926, a long time before Harry Potter was born, and Newt Scamander (Eddie Redmayne), a former Hogwarts student, who is a magizoologist has just arrived in New York.

Newt is here only for a brief stopover to send one of his fantastic beasts home. He carries a suitcase which is way-bigger-on-the-inside magical devices, and within are expansive habitats for a collection of rare and endangered magical creatures from Newt’s travels around globe....

However something fearful and terrifying is disturbing the city where the relationship between the magical and non magical societies in America which is already in danger due to the New Salem Philanthropic Society. .

A chubby No-Maj (American for muggle) Jacob Kowalski (Dan Fogler) , who’s just finished unsuccessfully trying to get a loan for his bakery business when he accidentally bumps into Newt who is caught up in trying to get away from Tina (Katherine Waterston), who monitors unusual arrivals of witches and wizards, notices immediately that Scamander is an oddball.

Newt is also trying find one of his fantastic beast, the Niffler who has escaped his suitcase... and unfortunately Jacob finds himself caught up in things that he cannot believe is happening...

Matters gets worse when a confused Jacob in his haste to get away accidently takes the wrong suitcase after Newt fails to Obliverate (make him forget) him.... and opens it...and cause some of the fantastic beasts living there to escape.... and this could spell trouble for both the wizarding and No-Maj worlds.

And in the Magical Congress of the United States of America (MACUSA)...a very elegant Percival Graves (Colin Farrel) , a high-ranking Auror and the Director of Magical Security for MACUSA, is secretly searching for something desperately, a little girl whom he believes is an Obscurial, and he is also not who he is suppose to be...

So it is up to this unlikely quartet, the 4th person being Tina's kind of Marilyn Monroe type sister, Queenie (Alison Sudol) who is a fantastic mind reader .. to save New York city and themselves...

I loved the movie.. it was fun and perhaps a little long, but then I love engrossing myself in Harry Potter as well..this movie is however no longer about school kids but adult wizards and witches, so the magic is more grown up...

And I can't help wishing I had a Niffler... hahaha... have a Niffler = being rich...kidding....he's kinda like a platypus minus the tail and so cute
It was also kind of fun watching Johnny Depp make his appearance as a portly Grindenwald .
I can't wait for the next one!!! So loving this...thanks to Warner Bros for having me....

(pictures are all credited to Warner Bros and google... and are not mine, used only for illustration purposes)

ReplyDeleteOMG so nice! I wanna watch this in the cinema too. Lovely movie
ReplyDeleteThe movie full of weird actions. I really need to watch this.
ReplyDeleteI'm gonna watch this on this weekend. Please don't be spoil alert. hahaha
ReplyDeleteIm getting more excited to watch this movie. Haha! I didn't know Johnny Depp was on the movie! Waah! Spoiler alert..haha! But that's fine since that made the movie more interesting. Thanks for the review.It sounded like a full of adventure film.
ReplyDeleteI'm excited for this movie too! Can't wait to watch it and relieve the magical feeling of being back in Hogwarts! :D
ReplyDeleteOmg, this movie look so good!
ReplyDeletei need to go and watch this soon!
ReplyDeleteI really love magical type of movie!