I find the zoo a lovely place to go. I may be an old woman now, but am still very much a kid at heart, and I love seeing animals. It is a dream someday to really go on a safari if I can... so for now, the closest place that comes to mind is the National Zoo aka Zoo Negara
My little girl has been pestering me on going there as well because she wants to visit Fengyi and Fuwa the two Giant pandas there. And so, I decided to give in to her and the two of us went on out little Zoo-fari ...
Taaa daa.... we are here!!!! The National Zoo is quite close to our place. About 15 minutes away. It is opened from 9am to 5pm. My dear hubby of course, did not want to tag along, but he sent us there after we had a quick breakfast at McDonald's along the Middle Ring Road.
The entrance is RM30 per adult with MyKad (Malaysian citizen) and RM10 per kid (Malaysian citizen) but to see the pandas, you have to pay extra... so it works out to RM50 per adult and RM20 per kid.
There is an animal show featuring sea lions and macaws at about 11am and 3pm as well at the amphitheatre close to where the penguins and aquarium is , but I gave it a miss this time.
For those lazy to walk, you can get on the tram for RM5 per adult and RM3 per kid (Malaysians)
My little girl and I opted to walk as I thought we could take our own sweet time admiring the animals, enjoying the breeze and scenery as well as certain area where it wasn't quite so pleasant to smell... heheheh....
First stop..... the giraffes.....
Then we have the Malayan tapir....... this tapir is taking it's own sweet time soaking in his pool.... Blissful!!!
A male lion looks (above) on while his girlfriend (below) displays her family secrets - shameless female!!!!......
This tiger (above) relaxes on the wooden perch..... and the elephant (below) just stand majestic with his lovely tusks
Cesar of Planet of the Ape's cousin seemed displeased about something as he lazes there with one leg across the other........
An adorable 'wallaby' (above) poses for a picture whole a group of otters (below) are busy at their own things
This leopard is busy displaying his/her family jewels/secrets as well as a rounded belly..... is he or she over well fed or preggers???
a flock of flamingos at the pool....(above) and I am wondering where to go next........ hmmmmm (below)
A Malayan Sun Bear poses for a quick picture before moving on....
You really do not want to mess with these guys.... they are mean and packed with muscles........ yikes... and if they have a bone to pick with you, it won't be easy getting out of it....
A family of capybaras.... adorable huh? My little girl could not resist them.....
The kids (above) at the children's world aka petting zoo.... and a couple of dozing ferrets (below)......
Anne pets a miniature pony and the rabbit looks on....
An ape looks on........ hehehehe.......... Hope you all enjoyed my pictures at the zoo..... if you are free and have time to kill, bring the kids.. they would surely have fun....

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